Note For the Theologically Minded
In which I try to explain what I’m trying to present for those more inclined to theological reflection. Feel free to skip this!
In which I try to explain what I’m trying to present for those more inclined to theological reflection. Feel free to skip this!
Status and Purpose This is draft content; feedback by anyone who reads it is welcome! I am trying to write for those who are Bible-believing evangelicals but who have not hitherto been open to experiences of the Spirit embraced by the charismatic community. My aim is to call such people
In the book of Revelation Jesus, risen from the dead and ascended to His Father, appears to John and gives him messages to write to seven different churches. I find these fascinating. They reflect Jesus’ love and concern for particular groups of believers in particular places. He has different things
Led by the Spirit Acts chapter 8 gives an account of Philip which is remarkable. When the church was scattered by the persecution after Stephen’s martyrdom in Acts 8, Philip, rather than becoming scared to share the gospel, went to a city in Samaria and proclaimed Jesus as the
In Acts 10 we read about a remarkable sequence of events. Cornelius, a Gentile, has a vision of an angel who gives him specific instructions about calling Simon Peter to come to him. Peter (before he hears about this) has an experience where he falls into a trance, and has
This is a series of devotional reflections centered around different passages of Scripture. The aim is to call us as God’s people to spiritual awakening. By that I mean several different things: * By “awakening” I mean that I don’t believe we are really awake. There is so much