Blogging over the decades

I've recently been investigating different blogging platforms. And in the process discovered that I've been blogging for 20 years this year. Very sporadically.

This site imported blog content from various sites that I wrote with different focuses:

  • I had a nanoblogger site titled Invention from January 2004 till May 2007, hosted at (a project to translate Open Source Software into South African languages) where I volunteered / worked part time over some of that period. 104 posts in that time. Focused on technical things - the open source work I was doing, particularly translating open source software into South African languages. But also some other things... Nanoblogger was essentially a static site generator, but not a modern one. There's a snapshot of this site on the Wayback Machine from September 2007.
  • I had a Drupal blog from August 2006 till September 2010. 46 posts in that time (2 of which were in common with the nanoblogger site). This was hosted on a domain I got for our family,, and it mostly contained family news - which I'm not sure I would put on the internet like that nowadays! This was pre-social media becoming so ubiquitous. Our son was going through chemotherapy and we had friends and family who we shared news with through this medium. There's a snapshot of this site on the Wayback Machine from July 2010. Soon after that the Drupal site was hacked and had lots of spam posts...
  • I didn't blog for another three years and then migrated the site to Mezzanine in 2013, incoporating both previous blogs. I posted 10 entries in Mezzanine between 2013 to 2015, and then one more in 2022. So it's essentially been dormant.

I also intended to use the Mezzanine site to host information on side projects I was working on - only one (Harmoninue) was shared in that way. But now I have several more, as well as some writing projects. So time to revitalize and get going on writing online again...

I'm likely to either switch to (self-hosted), or to a static site generator (eleventy or Hugo or Jekyll or Pelican), or possibly author content in a private Ghost site but publish it via a static site generator. I've been using eleventy for websites I've built recently for my new startup Inconceivable R and D.