HarmoniHue - coloring musical notes

At PyConZA 2013, one of the speakers couldn't come due to a visa issue, so I volunteered to do a talk at the last minute. I was already on a panel discussion earlier, and wanted to listen to Matt's talk on caching, so I ended with only three-quarters of an hour preparing the talk! But it ended up being a great opportunity as I decided to talk on a fun project I've been pottering away at in my spare time over the last few years: an experiment in music maths and colours that I've called HarmoniHue.
The basic idea is to try and associate colours with musical notes in such a way that there's a correspondence between which notes sound similar to / harmonious with each other, and how similar the colours look to each other.
Having a mathematical bent, I've ended up investigating things about colour perception theory along the way and coming up with a simple model of harmonic relations - the project will have some updates to the colour model before I'm happy that it's finished, but since I gave the talk on it I thought I would post my musings on the subject on the web for other people to peruse. Here's a few images from the project:

This is then applied to musical scores as follows (excuse the misplacement of accidentals):

More information on HarmoniHue including my musings and some sample scores etc...