Trying to proxy network traffic through my wireless network on my
laptop which is unfortunately running Windows... (oh, the irony)...
these are handy hinters:
First, use ssh -D to create a SOCKS proxy. That's fairly easy. Use
tsocks to make any application
use the proxy. (Or, try and battle with why GAIM isn't listening to the Gnome
network preferences, then get fed up and run it through tsocksify).
Next, its helpful to have a caching DNS server. I finally found a good one for
Windows that actually works natively (via cygwin) and doesn't crash:
Posadis. Simply start it up and
it functions as a DNS cache. They also include some basic DNS querying tools
that are missing from the Windows command line.
I also tried using
dproxy which is
much lighter but although it compiles in cygwin fine it produces various
errors (misformed packets sent in response to queries etc).
Finally you need to let the Windows machine know to use the wireless network
as its default route rather than the LAN. To do this follow
this article's
recommendations to adjust the Automatic metric under Advanced TCP/IP settings
for each network connection (lower is higher priority) otherwise Windows XP
will always select the LAN as the default network. (You can check which is
default by saying 'route print' and seeing what the default gateway is).
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