Sourceforge CVS woes and Pootle templatisation

This latest Sourceforge CVS outage has been most unfortunate. We tried to do a bug day aroud the one the week before, which was also unfortunate... Now for almost a week we haven't had any CVS access, and we had planned a release in that time of Pootle and the translate toolkit.
Good thing I had a script getting the CVS tarballs as we could set that up as an alternate (read-only) root. I then set up a different directory I used off that root and maintained a queue of patches... which I applied this morning as follows:
for f in `ls offline-patches/*.patch -t -r` do patch -p0 < $f echo $f for g in `lsdiff $f` do grep `basename "$g"` `dirname "$g"`/CVS/Entries || cvs add $g done cvs-commit `lsdiff $f` done
I've now basically completed converting Pootle to work using Kid templates which makes the code a lot cleaner (was using an old object-based HTML construction set).
A few things to sort out (spell-checking system), but it mostly works beautifully. The UI is exactly the same as before, but we should now be able to improve it without messing around with the Python code.
This is all on the Pootle-kid-conversion branch, and you'll need at least version 0.7.6 of jToolkit to run it. Other requirements have increased - Kid requires ElementTree too. This is now documented in the pootleadmin page on the wiki.
I've been wanting to get this going for ages, so it's nice to finally have it done.