A cool machine is a happy machine

I have been having repeated problems where my desktop just powers off if its overloaded. Its an Athlon XP 2400 and the CPU temperature was showing 79 degrees C and up (sometimes 129 degrees but I'm sure that was a bad reading...)
This usually happened when I was running two openoffice.org builds simultaneously (HEAD and ooo-2-0-1-branch) - so I would leave them running overnight, come back and the morning and the machine was off...
I finally got fed up and decided to investigate properly, and found an immense amount of dust between the heat sink and the CPU fan. After dusting that off (couldn't possible have been providing any cooling like that), the average idle temperature has dropped from 63 degrees to around 50 degrees, and the temperature under load to around 55. Much nicer and will save me much frustration :-)