2.0 released (and South African builds)
So, 2.0 has been released. If you've tried the 1.x series, this is much, much better. There's a very interesting interview with Louis Suarez-Potts available.
ith unusually good timing I've managed to get South African builds of all our latest translations produced the next day. You can download them from here. University of Pretoria has kindly offered to host files for us so these files will move there soon (at the moment its my home machine so access will be fairly slow).
Currently there are only Windows builds but as soon as I persuade it to build rpms on Linux they will be there too. Note that the icon set on Windows is (fairly) ugly and shortly to be replaced.
You can install the language packs on top of a standard 2.0 installation. This is really nice if you just want the standard install translated into your language.
We'd like to do testing following the QA tests - please use the translate-discuss mailing lists for your language (on the right of that page) to report back on this.
Next up for me is to integrate some branding, dictionaries and spell checkers, etc.