KiLinux training camp progress

KiLinux training camp progress
me doing my talk, complete with diagram

In Tanzania for the training camp. Has been pretty interesting discovering how the Swahili Localization Project works.
They have a pretty thorough team incorporating top experts on Swahili from Universities and research institutions and tehnical people. They have worked hard on generating a glossary first before translating software which is a good approach. They are just beginning to translate and are finding many of the same frustrations and challenges we found when starting to get into this.
Have had good talks about the localization process in a third-world context with Alberto and Louise and have persuaded them to learn Python, so hopefully they will be able to contribute code... (this is actually a hint in case they read my blog)
Bandwidth is better than I expected (we are at the university computing centre) but is a real limitation when you're trying to localize projects that have high bandwidth expectations, and power goes off from time to time and you need to start again ...
Did a session yesterday morning on how to use our tools, fairly basic, explained the procedure for and Mozilla using oo2po/po2oo and moz2po/po2moz, did a demo.