Firefox and Thunderbird extensions I'm using
Looked through Firefox and Thunderbird extensions and have a setup I like now...
- Web Developer - indispensible for hacking around with sites.
- JavaScript debugger Venkman - fantastic, always used this in Mozilla and now I can use it from Firefox. Now if only I could plug it into IE :-)
- ChatZilla - so I can chat on
- CuteMenus - nice icons on menus
- Disable Targets for Downloads - what it says
- Duplicate Tab - useful because it duplicates the tab's whole history
- miniT (drag and drop tags) - really neat, lets you drag tags aroudn to change the order or even between windows
- Nuke Anything - lets you delete any object from a web page you are viewing
- View Cookies - simple addition of Cookies to Page Info
- Image Toolbar - makes it easy to save / copy images
- OpenBook - gives you the whole tree by default in the Add Bookmark dialog.
- FoxyTunes - lets you control a variety of music players. I want to use it to control Music Player Daemon but authentication broken at the moment.
Some language ones:
- Translate Page - translates web pages using Google
- Translate - translates web pages using BabelFish and Google
- EnigMail - OpenPGP message encryption and authentication
- QuickReply - Lets you reply in the mail window instead of opening a new one. Very nice, I've done some development in the past, still a few bugs
- ClearSearch - Adds back the Clear button for quick searching messages
- Show SMTP Username - this crashes thunderbird sometimes
- Mail Redirect - Allow to redirect (a.k.a "bounce") mail messages to other recipients